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Chi Alpha at the University of Wyoming has been blessed with many resources. With Derik as the only Wyoming Chi Alpha director, the connections around the state are enormous. We thank each Church that has decided to partner with us in our ministry.


We are not blessed only to be blessed. As Derik says, "We are blessed to be a blessing to others." Chi Alpha supports a total of 11 missionaries around the world. We also partner with local churches to reach the student body and get involved with other ministry opportunities. 


Opportunities such as Camp Chi Alpha, Men's and Women's retreats, SALT, hangout nights, and worship band gear are a few other things Chi Alpha helps support. Through these, we are able to reach our university and community with the hands and feet of Christ. 


These links provide you the option of giving to Chi Alpha Campus Ministries at the University of Wyoming. We encourage people to give tithes to Chi Alpha if this ministry impacted their lives.



Click on the type of gift you would like to give and change the amount in the "donation per item" field.  You can also give on Venmo,
Username: @WyomingChiAlpha-Ministry

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