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Meet the Team!


One of our five pillars at Chi Alpha is Discipleship - intentionally mentoring others to follow Christ.  Our team wants to support each student wherever he or she is in his or her journey of faith with the desire that each student would grow to become a passionate disciple of Jesus who makes more disciples. 


Everyone on our team, which is comprised of full-time and part-time staff and student leaders, is excited to follow in the Master's (Jesus') footsteps in leading others closer to Him.  But more than that, each one is passionate to pursue the specific areas of growth that God has placed on his or her heart.  That being said, let's meet the team!

Meet Our Team


Derik Buescher

I am in my 17th year as the director of Chi Alpha Campus Ministries for the University of Wyoming. I am the father of Zane (13) and Truett (10), and the husband of Sonja for the past 18 years. I attended Chadron State College, and it was there where I got my first introduction to Chi Alpha. I transferred to North Central University (AG Bible College) and graduated with a pastoral studies and youth ministry degree. I love everything about college and get to enjoy most of its perks without the classes and homework. I live with the passion that if you can touch the university, you can change the world.


Sonja Buescher

I am married to Derik, the director of Chi Alpha, and we have two awesome boys, Zane and Truett. While taking care of those three is my full-time job, I assist Chi Alpha by supporting the staff team and doing behind-the-scenes work. My favorite thing about serving with Chi Alpha at UW is having the opportunity to meet and make friends with people from all around the world. I truly believe that from little Laramie, Wyoming, we, as Christ's ambassadors, can transform the university, the marketplace, and the world!

UWyo Chi Alpha
Chi Alpha Campus Ministries

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1412 Grand Ave. Laramie, WY 82070

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@2020 by UWyo Chi Alpha

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